Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder!!

Well, for all of you who have been wondering....Cody has taken the ASVAB test (got an 80) and has passed the physical for the Air Force.  He could leave anywhere from the next five days up to six months (but it will probably be soon, because he has requested the most dangerous jobs!).  He's started working out to get in shape because he will have to pass a physical endurance test to get into the program he wants.  He wants to be EOD (Explosives Ordinance Demolition, I think) or TACP (Tactical Air Command Party, I think).  Oh, my goodness!  Just what a mother does NOT want to hear!!  He REALLY wants to be TACP.  They are the first to go in to the front lines and tell the pilots where to bomb.  Yikes!  I think I need a sedative!!  He's very happy about it and hopes to get to travel as well.  I never in my wildest dreams thought Cody would do this but, if it makes him happy, then I'm happy!